🤔Wiser! #106 — Meta & Alphabet’s Ad Decline | VR Headsets | AI Copyright | Diesel NFTs | AI in 2023

Rick Huckstep - Making Sense Of Tech
8 min readJan 3, 2023

w/3rd January 2023

👋 Hi and welcome to Midweek Wiser! — the Medium edition of the newsletter that gives you the headlines, stories, and insights you need to make sense of what’s happening in the tech economy.

Email subscribers got the full-colour issue of Wiser! last Friday, delivered straight into their inbox for free.

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🤔 For the full technicolour version of the Wiser! Newsletter 👉 read the latest issue here.

🎙️ Check out the Big Tech Little Tech podcast in this 2022 Year In Review as Shaun and I look back on our first year’s topics and themes.

🔥 This week’s Wiser! is promoting WebMaxSEO

👉51% of all website traffic is driven by SEO,

👉40% of all online revenue is driven by SEO,



Rick Huckstep - Making Sense Of Tech

Supercharge your career with AI - 10x your productivity, prospects and wisdom with tips, tricks, tools and insights about AI and emerging technologies