250 examples of consumer brands in emerging technologies


Brand Strategies for Web3 and the Metaverse is a unique collection of over 250 consumer brands and their use-cases in NFTs, blockchain, virtual reality, augmented reality, digital assets and crypto.

Emerging technology is about to fundamentally change the way we work, live and experience the Internet

The digital economy is changing. As is the way that we use it. It’s not going to be a revolution that happens overnight, but a slow evolution of change that creeps up on us. Which is why I have tracked, analysed and assessed 250 consumer brands and their use-cases in emerging technologies, such as non-fungible tokens, blockchain, virtual and augmented reality and digital assets and tokens.

Called “Brand Strategies For The Metaverse”, this unique collection of projects, innovations and use-cases give us clues of what’s coming next in the tech economy.

What others are saying

⏱️ Gartner predicts that by 2026, 15% of people will spend at least an hour a day in the Metaverse.

💲 Bloomberg Intelligence estimates the metaverse market will reach nearly $800 billion by 2024.

♾️ 71% of global executives state that the metaverse will have a positive impact on their organisations: Accenture Tech Trends 2022

Brand Strategies For Web3 And The Metaverse

I’ve tracked over 250 global consumer brands and documented their projects in NFTs, blockchain, crypto and virtual reality. I’ve added over 30 celebrities and 20 locations around the world that are enhancing their brands and finding new ways to engage with the world.

To be fair, some of these use-cases are a little shaky and are nothing more than a marketing ploy. But many are serious attempts by global brands to understand how emerging technologies can enhance their relationships with existing customers and open up markets with new ones.

Here are some of the brands you’ll find in the Brand Strategies Collection:

A Unique Collection All In One Place

From adidas to Zara, from airlines to a zoo, I’ve tracked over 250 consumer brands and built a “one of a kind” collection of their projects in the emerging technologies that are defining the next generation of the digital economy.

The project started in the summer when I was commissioned to report on what’s going on with consumer brands and NFTs. I found that there was no single place to go for the information I needed to know. So I did what everyone would do, including you. I googled.

After completing the research project, I started looking further and expanded the scope to all emerging technologies. I started out thinking I’d document about 75, maybe 100 brands. I’m currently at 250 brands and rising all the time.

Here’s The Thing: Don’t let anyone tell you that the NFT market is over or that blockchain has no utility. Cartoon apes and pixelated cats may have run their course, but that’s far from the truth when it comes to use-cases for consumer brands.

In the Brand Strategy Collection, you will find:

  • the brand strategies of some of the biggest consumer brands in the world, plus celebrities, sports clubs and global destinations.
  • details of their projects and use-cases in NFTs, blockchain, crypto, virtual and augmented reality.
  • a catalogue of links, tweets, YouTubes, press releases and supporting content
  • the collection is organised by Brand in an easy to use Notion database (accessible via your web browser).

For a taste of what you can expect from this unique collection, check out these articles and videos.

Case Studies





Here’s What You Get When You Buy Access To This Database

When you buy this product, you’re getting more than just access to this unique collection of over 250 consumer brands in web3, NFTs, blockchain and the Metaverse…

…you also get a one year Premium Subscription to Wiser! Giving you 52 week’s of insight, analysis and opinion of the top stories in the tech economy to keep you one step ahead of your competition!

  • Access to the Notion database will give you a catalogued collection of over 250 consumer brands, celebrities and locations and their real-life use cases in web3, NFTs, blockchain, crypto and the Metaverse.
  • Every brand is detailed on its own page, with articles, YouTube videos, tweets and explanations of individual projects and why the brand is doing it.
  • Learn about each major consumer brand and how the are testing out strategies in web3, NFTs, blockchain and the Metaverse to build customer loyalty, find new revenue streams and streamline operations.

➕ PLUS: Premium Subscription to Wiser! gives you additional, exclusive content, an invitation to join private chat channels on the Wiser! Slack community, and unrestricted access to the archive of articles about the tech economy.

Decision Time


Use the discount code “Brand50” to get your 50% discount when you buy this product on Gumroad. This offer will only be available for the next four weeks whilst the full A-Z of consumer brands is rolled out. Take it now or forever regret it!

If you decide this is not for you, consider this: what happens the next time your friends, colleagues or customers start talking about what’s happening in web3, blockchain, NFTS or the Metaverse? ARE YOU GOING TO BE LEFT OUT AGAIN?

To gain access to this comprehensive collection of over 250 consumer brands and their emerging technology projects, select the product below on Gumroad.


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Rick Huckstep - Making Sense Of Tech

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